Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Artist - Kieron Williamson (Aged 7)
Kieron Williamson (born c. 2002) is a watercolour artist from Holt, Norfolk in England. His paintings and ability by the age of seven have caused considerable interest in the UK media and are notable for his advanced use of perspective and shading.[1]
He has been described as a prodigy,[2] and at his second exhibition in 2009, his paintings sold out in 14 minutes, raising a total of £18,200 for 16 paintings.[3] A subsequent exhibition in Holt in July 2010 saw his paintings all sold within 30 minutes, at a total value of £150,000.[4]
All About Kieron Williamson
Kieron Williamson was a typical energetic toddler. He loved playing in the mud, investigating bugs, finding sticks and generally exploring the outdoors. Kieron's parents, Michelle and Keith, have always been proud of him, as despite being quiet and reserved at school, he was always studious, achieving good grades and great comments in all of his subjects. His love of the outdoors extended to sports and Michelle and Keith were equally proud of him on school sports days.
Kieron first began drawing independently on the Williamson's first family holiday to Cornwall, England in May 2008. At the age of 5, Kieron had shown little interest in drawing up to that point in his life, but, inspired by the boats in a nearby port, Kieron asked his parents for a sketch pad. The very next day he was drawing pictures of boats and as the holiday progressed he began to add backgrounds, scenery, hills and houses.
As time progressed, so did Kieron's abilities.
Michelle and Keith are not artistic by their own admission. They do, however, enjoy art and collect works by Norfolk artists. So, when Kieron started to ask for help with putting paintings together, his parents turned to their local galleries and the artists who exhibited there for help. These first signs of an interest in painting were immediately accompanied with an aversion to poster paints.
Michelle says, "From day one, Kieron showed an instinctive ability to mix colour. He loves trying different media, watercolour, acrylics and more recently oils. Kieron has always insisted on good quality adult art materials. He's never been happy with poster paints!"
Kieron used to spend an hour a week with Carol Pennington at 'The Last Picture Show in Town', Holt, during the summer of 2008. Carol's style is very contemporary and offered an opportunity for Kieron to let go and "loosen up" but, he adamantly kept to his style. "You can't get Kieron to do anything he doesn't want to do!", says Michelle.
As Kieron's work consistently progressed, Keith and Michelle would regularly take it down to Picturecraft Gallery, Holt to get their opinion. "Praise, support and encouragement is free and we willingly share this with children, whatever they are doing", stated Adrian Hill, Picturecraft's Managing Director. As parents, they hinged their hopes on praise and early sort advice. Both parents hoped that one day in the future Kieron might enter the art arena, but they never imagined it would happen at the age of just six.
With kind support from Picturecraft, another local artist, Brian Ryder, agreed for Kieron to attend his evening watercolour course held between January and July 2009. Despite being the only child at the classes, Kieron was well accepted by Brian and charmed the other adults attending.
A huge help in Kieron's development as an artist has been Tony Garner, who has been great, offering Kieron pastel workshops and one to one tuition in the Gallery. Kieron is seen, pictured right, attending one of Tony's workshops and you can visit his website at www.artistsafloat.co.uk
Not only was Kieron quickly becoming a more competent artist, winning three local competitions for colouring, hat and apron decorating (!!), he also began to recognise that his art could have commercial value. During the early summer of 2009, Kieron advertised in Holt's local newsletter, The Holt Chronicle, offering Pet Portraits to raise pocket money. The young entrepreneur appreciated that good art materials do not come cheap!
In August 2009, Kieron Williamson's paintings made their first public appearance and the rest, as they say, is history!
Kieron has become a global phenomenon. His paintings have sold worldwide. His first exhibition sold out in 14 minutes. He has interest from over 35 countries worldwide and has over 1800 followers and this list is still growing!
Kieron divides his time between his art, football and playing his games console, in between going to school and doing all the normal things other boys his age do. His commitment to his art sees him getting up 6am each day before school, spending every available minute with other artists, learning new techniques and skills.

I choose this picture is because they are so match(the sky color, water, snow and tree) .
I can feel cool, fresh and relax.
•White as the driven snow - purity, cleanliness, and innocence.
Snow - If snow seems to have a fresh and wonderful feel to it it may link to some new situation in your life. Perhaps you are thinking about as new job or something like that. But snow can associate with lots of things such as coldness and Christmas. One main meaning of snow is the link with delays and problems in general. Snow hinders momentum and may symbolise a lack of real momentum in a relationship or within you yourself after an illness.
Blue waters- Blue symbolism associates blue with freedom, strength and new beginnings. Water- purity and fertility, circulation, higher wisdom, a sign of cleansing, freedom and mobility. Most significantly, water as a symbol is a universal expression of the unconscious.
River - River symbolism corresponds to the creative power of nature and time. On the one hand it signifies fertility and the progressive irrigation of the soil; and on the other hand it stands for the irreversible passage of time and, in consequence, for a sense of loss and oblivion. Rivers tend to link to the streams of energy and motivation that we devote to particular issues and relationships in our lives.
Trees symbolize life, growth, reaching down to the ground and up to the sky at the same time.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Learning Task 3 - Draw A Person
Hi I Ling
The above drawing is for learning task 3 as below.
Haha.... I just need to spend about 15 minutes to complete the above drawing where I NEVER expect that I can do it......
"Learning Task 3 - Draw A Person
Once you have drawn a person and determined its gender, draw another picture of a person of the opposite sex to the first picture. You should have two pictures drawn. I will be asking you to pair up and set up a meeting through Skype as you practice facilitating each in turn to facilitate each other and develop associations to the images produced. Give feedback and share your discussion of the facilitative process and any sharings of what transpired in terms of clarity and insights you may have gained as a result of your experienced of being facilitated. You are requested to enter your reflections in your Personal Learning Journal about the experience itself. You may recall an example of the initial process if you were to listen to Tutorial 1. The tasks will help you develop the kind of questions and style that would help in the self-inquiry process of your partner through your facilitation. I have made the list of the random pairing.
I Ling - Seok Binn"
Friday, July 30, 2010
PitLits 5 - Nothing is Impossible

See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
I can do it
You can do it
WE did it
Nothing is Impossible
Hi ALS members,
WE share
WE try
WE explore
WE learn
WE play
WE confront
WE confuse
WE enjoy and have fun
Nothing is Impossible
Mission Impossible also become POSSIBLE
Thursday, July 29, 2010
PicLits 4 - Enjoy Life

See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
Wah!!! When I saw this picture, really feel like want to drink.
One of my favour drink - Red Bean Shake......
"Reading book at beach with a glass of red bean shake, with laugh sound of my kids playing with sand and my husband is busy with taking photo and playing with kids"
Haha... it is my Langkawi trip last month but without red bean shake lah, just with 100 plus & Nescafe.......
Our life journey is not long, therefore we should ENJOY and have FUN!!!
Looking forward for this Sept school holiday where will bring kids go to beach picnic, set up camp site, fishing and also drawing. We have bought tent and fishing equipment. Haha..... don't know whether know how to use fishing equipment or not.... Let the them to handle it.-
01 Aug 2010
After read Alex's comment on I Ling blog, since nobody put on comment, therefore I just add and try on it.
Red bean, syrup and ice
Mix and blend
Become so sweet and tasteful
Red, pink and orange flowers
Put them together
Become so vitality and beautiful
Red Flowers
Red is believed to increase enthusiasm and interest, enhance human metabolism, raise blood pressure and increase respiration rates. Quite obviously red is hard to miss - it grabs our attention and stimulates us into making quick decisions. It is also the first spectral color our eyes see. Add a dash of white to it and you have pink, which tones down our reactions, producing softer feelings of gentleness and tenderness.
Orange Flowers
Orange is a color associated with the fall season. It stimulates creativity and feelings of joy. People who like orange are said to be thoughtful and sincere. A powerful 'impact1 color, orange is difficult to miss and is very effective as an attention grabber.
Although regarded as dynamic and powerful, orange is nevertheless thought of in a healing context, perhaps because for Buddhists it represents enlightenment.
The perception of orange depends on the percentage of red it contains. When equal amounts of red and yellow are present, orange conveys feelings of calm and optimism. Add more red and reactions become warmer, reflecting the heat of the sun. Reduce the red and increase the yellow and you get less of a feeling of harmony.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
PicLits 3 - Let's me hold your HAND

See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
I hold your hand
no matter what happens,
I will NEVER let my hand go
When I saw this picture, I remember back what I wrote in CPPD-Story Telling and also 2 days ago, I read on China Press that a grandma have to feed 3 grandchild aged 10,8 and 7 with monthly income of RM30 only. I really can't imagine how can a parent left their kids like that. The kids' parents still alive.
The above old hand like the grandma holding the grandchild's hand.
I just share this news with my kids. Thank you very much that my kids suggest and willing to take out their saving to donate to this grandma.
For me, I will protect and guild them as much as possible and I will NEVER let my hand go.
Monday, July 26, 2010
PicLits 2 - Be Proud of Yourself

See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
The Dreams Encyclopedia: Peacock
A beautiful bird of exquisite color and grace that seems to strut with pride and even with arrogance, the peacock may indicate that the dreamer is as "proud as a peacock" about some accomplishment and would like to "show off."
Sign Language Videos: peacock
sign description: The G-hand placed at the mouth, opens and closes, followed by the open 5-hand making a sweeping and twisting motion.
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Artist - Zhang Da Qian 张大千

Zhang Daqian (simplified Chinese: 张大千; traditional Chinese: 張大千; pinyin: Zhāng Dàqiān; Wade-Giles: Chang Ta-Chien) (May 10, 1899 - April 2, 1983) was one of the best-known and most prodigious Chinese artists of the twentieth century. Originally known as a guohua (traditionalist; 國畫) painter, by the 1960's he was also renowned as a modern impressionist and expressionist painter. Chang is regarded as one of the most gifted master forgers of the twentieth century.
Born in a family of artists in Neijiang, Sichuan, China, he studied textile dyeing techniques in Kyoto, Japan and returned to establish a successful career selling his paintings in Shanghai. A staunch supporter of the Kuomintang, he left China in 1948 and moved to Mogi das Cruzes, Brazil, and then to Carmel, California, before finally settling in Taipei, Taiwan.[1]
A meeting between Zhang and Picasso in Antibes in 1953 was viewed as a summit between the preeminent masters of Eastern and Western art. The two men exchanged paintings at this meeting.[2]
Chang's forgeries are difficult to detect for many reasons. First, his ability to mimic the great Chinese masters:
So prodigious was his virtuosity within the medium of Chinese ink and colour that it seemed he could paint anything. His output spanned a huge range, from archaising works based on the early masters of Chinese painting to the innovations of his late works which connect with the language of Western abstract art."[3]
Second, he paid scrupulous attention to the materials he used. "He studied paper, ink, brushes, pigments, seals, seal paste, and scroll mountings in exacting detail. When he wrote an inscription on a painting, he sometimes included a postscript describing the type of paper, the age and the origin of the ink, or the provenance of the pigments he had used." [4] Third, he often forged paintings based on descriptions in catalogues of lost paintings; his forgeries came with ready-made provenance. [4]
Chang's forgeries have been purchased as original paintings by many major art museums in the United States, including the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston:
Of particular interest is a master forgery acquired by the Museum in 1957 as an authentic work of the tenth century. The painting, which was allegedly a landscape by the Five Dynasties period master Guan Tong, is one of Zhang’s most ambitious forgeries and serves to illustrate both his skill and his audacity.[5]
James Cahill, professor emeritus of Chinese art at the University of California, Berkeley, has claimed that the painting "The Riverbank," a 10th century masterpiece from the Southern Tang Dynasty, held by the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art, is likely another Chang Dai-chien forgery.[6]
Museum curators are cautioned to examine all questionable Chinese paintings of all genres with the query, "Could this be by Zhang Daqian?"[5] Joseph Chang, curator of Chinese art at the Sackler Museum, posits that practically every notable collection of Chinese art contains a forgery by the master painter.[6]
张大千:(1901-1984)名爱,又名秀,季菱,字大千,别号大千居士,或迳署“署人张大千”。四川内江人,幼年受擅长绘画的母亲和以画虎著称,自号“虎痴”的二哥张善 的熏陶指引,并从名师曾农髯,李梅阉学诗文、书法和绘画。除临摹历代名迹外,又遍游名山大川,以造化为师,经过刻苦钻研,获得了卓越揲诚就。青年时代,即与二哥张善 齐名,二十多岁,曾赴日本留学,学过染织,回国后,一度迷于佛学,曾去宁天童寺“皈依佛门”,想当和尚,据说,他怕在头上烫九个香记,只好等待别了师父弘筏大和尚,回到现实世界来,青年时期就能画一手很好的具有石涛、八大人画风的作品,几可乱真,所以有“南方石涛”之称。他早年画的《石涛画册》,竟被著名鉴赏家、画家陈半丁作为石涛“真迹”珍藏起来,以夸耀于画友面前,被张大千识破指出,后来传为佳话,足以证明千在二十几岁在摹拟古人传统绘画的功力和成就,已经是惊人了。张大千于1940年后,用了两年半的时间,对于我国敦煌洞窟,逐个整理编号,进行临摹,丰富了绘画技法。1948年适居香港,后又旅居印度、法国、巴西等国。1984年病逝台湾,享年八十四岁。

Flower and Bird Paintings
Example this drawing has been purchased by Reader Digits for USD1.4 million.

Lotus flowers
In Buddhism, lotus flowers mean purity of speech, mind and body rising above the waters of desire and attachment. White symbolizes spiritual perfection and complete mental purity.
Blue means wisdom, knowledge and victory over the senses.
Three Lotus flowers
Number Three represents solid, real, substantial, complete and entire.
Two blue leaves
Number Two is kindness, balance, tact, equalization, and duality.
Blue is seen as trustworthy, dependable and committed. The color of sky and the ocean, blue is perceived as a constant in our lives.
Why are there no blue leaves?
Plants get their energy for food by the process of photosynthesis. The chloroplasts in the leaves contain pigments (colors) that absorb red and blue light and reflect green
and yellow light. Since leaves depend on photosynthesis and since the blue
light is needed, then a plant would die without using the blue light. So no
blue light is reflected and so you don't see any blue light coming from any
leaves. Sometimes leaves are red, but underneath the red there is green.
Friday, July 23, 2010
Try on PicLirs Gallery - Rainbow

See the full PicLit at PicLits.com
After the rain
Your colours appear
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet
Signaling new life and beauty for all around us
We gaze with wonder at your splender
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Sumo Paint Artwork 1
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Monday, July 19, 2010
Draw a Person
I still remember that I willing to pass up my biology practical exam paper without draw a borne which carry 10 marks out of 40 marks.
Now.... HOW???? I know I have to draw. But how?
Spend the whole night but still don't know how to draw........
Wake up in the morning, try to draw....
end up not a person but a butterfly fairy.....
Never mind lah....it is a good start.
May be influence by my daughters, draw like a ballerina,
Sitting in my house garden, it because a butterfly fairy.
To be continued to draw a person tonite.